$8.50 for a Rice Substitution?!?

The Doctor’s parents were kind enough to give us gift certificates to a few restaurants around DC for Christmas this year. Last night we decided we would invite a couple of the boys out and go to PF Changs in Arlington VA. I had never been to PF Changs before so it was going to be a new experience for me. It is always nice to go out with friends and enjoy an evening, but the service we received at the restaurant was trying to get in the way of having a great evening.

We had a rude waiter, who barely introduced himself and seemed rather grumpy in general (and this is coming from me). We enjoyed ourselves but couldn’t get past how rude he was. He handed us the check without even asking if we wanted dessert or more wine.

And then once I read the check I got pissed off. I had asked for a substitution on my rice from white rice to fried rice. The waiter said there would be an additional charge; I said that was fine expecting the additional charge to be a dollar or two. No the additional charge was for a full meal, he charged me and another friend $8.50 for our rice substitution. That is just crazy, and that’s not an additional charge for a sub that’s ordering an extra meal. I couldn’t get past it and if I had been paying I would have confronted the waiter or the restaurant but since our gift certificates covered the meal I decided to let it go. We have to pick our battles but man this was one I was ready to win. I just can’t believe that.

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