Why I Don't Cook Reason #467

I went to go make myself some dinner, nothing fancy just some garlic bread and pasta. Sounds easy right, well it is but I am brain dead and that is the reason why I don't cook. I boiled the water and put in the pasta, while the oven was pre-heating. I put some garlic bread on a pan and wrapped in in aluminum foil, when the oven was ready I was stirring my pasta but I grabbed the pan and threw it in the oven. I ran to the other room for a few and then came back and continued to prepare, my pasta was done and so was my sauce, so I took a peek in the oven for the garlic bread. Well the pan was in there, but I seemed to have lost the garlic bread, I look around the kitchen, very confused, and there right on the stove top is a cylinder of aluminium containing my garlic bread, damn I am so lost sometimes.

I guess I am not as bad as S though, the other night when I was talking to him on the phone he reached into his oven and grabbed a pan without an oven mitt on, but there is still time for that to be reason #468!


Christine said...

Wow. You know how to turn on an oven? Maybe you can teach me sometime.

Anonymous said...

I DIDN'T initially take the pan out of the oven without the mitt!!! But I transferred it to my other hand after that....Yeah, dumb! I know....
